No 2 Commando
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Displaying 1 - 300 of 584'A document on the object of Special Service'
'Brac - Operation Flounced'
- Lieutenant Colonel J.M.T.F. Churchill, D.S.O., M.C. embarked from Vis as the Commanding Officer of a Force consisting of 43RM Commando, some commandos from 2 Special Service Brigade HQ, the Raiding Support Regiment, a company of the 2nd Highland Light Infantry, and 111 Field Regiment R.A. This was a diversionary attack on the German Garrison of Brac to draw off German Forces who were launching an offensive against the Yugo-Slav National Army of Liberation in Bosnia.
'Glomjford - Operation Musketoon’
Glomfjord, Norway
'Malta detachment - Force X'
'Messina to Palermo railway raid'
Log Book HMS Triumph 30 Aug.1941
'Scaletta - Operation Blackcock (1)'
Operation Blackcock was a British amphibious landing to take Scaletta on the north-east coast of Sicily. Planned by Lieutenant General Sir Miles Dempsey’s XIII Corps, of General Sir Bernard Montgomery’s 8th Army, the operation was designed as one of a pair of Allied operations to cut off the last elements of the German forces trying to fall back to their evacuation point at Messina in north-eastern Sicily.
'Vaagso - Operation Archery'
Vaagso Norway
A raid on Vaagso and Maaloy to destroy fish oil factories and sink enemy shipping. No.3 Commando were supported by 2 troops of No.2 Commando (less 1 Section), with a RAMC detachment from No.4 Commando and a RE detachment from No.6 Commando, and some from the Royal Norwegian Army.- Some of the Commandos who participated [view......]
- Gallery images for Operation Archery [view......].
2 Commando
The History
The first No.2 Commando was formed on the 22nd June 1940 for a parachuting role at Cambrai Barracks, Perham Down, near Tidworth, Hants. The Unit at the time consisted of four troops - 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'. Eventually 11 troops were raised. A nominal roll of 'C' and 'D' troops can be found in our documents album within the No 2 Commando gallery.
2 Commando 5 Troop and 4 Independent Company
A list of names of a few of those from No.4 Independent Company who went on to serve in 5 Troop No.2 Commando and stayed on afterwards or moved elsewhere. Collection of Lance Sergeant Joseph Rogers MM, No.2 Commando 5 Troop. Contains links on the header to pages within the Commando Veterans Archive.
2 Commando Brigade, Dalmatian Islands Operations

Commando operations on or from the Dalmatian islands.
Read more here in our No 2 Commando History section.
2 Commando Commanders
This history of No. 2 Commando was compiled at the request of The Commando Veterans Association, who wanted a record of the unit’s activities and first-hand recollections of its members as seen through the eyes of a No. 2 Commando veteran. There was a certain urgency about the request because this veteran, turned author, is old and just about one step away from the knacker’s yard. There is much to tell about the No. 2 Family and its Father, Charlie Newman.
Bob Bishop
Read more about each Commanding Officer below.
2 Commando Detachment 13 Sep'41 for 7 months
2 Commando Nominal Roll
In 1946 the Army Council decided that the Army Commandos were to be disbanded and no provision was allowed or made for any depository or office which would have at least contained a complete Roster of Names of the men who served in the various units.
2 Commando Salerno/Scaletta Casualties
A document created by an officer of No 2 Commando with specifics of No.2 Commando casualties at Salerno, and locations of where they lay, or were first buried. It also includes details of three from the action at Scaletta, Sicily the previous month.
2 Commando War Diary 18/19th September 1943
No 2 Commando War Diary 18th September 1943, and part of the entry for the 19th.
[Transcribed from the 2 Cdo.War Diary]
2 Commando, Glomfjord, Norway
Operation Musketoon
"It was on a day in late July, 1942 that the author noted the absence from the ranks of his troop of Capt. Graeme Black, Pte. Eric Curtis and Rfmn. Cyril Abram. At the same time, men of other troops recorded that Capt. Joe Houghton, Sgt. Richard O’Brien, L/Sgt. Bill Chudley, Pte. Reg Makeham, Cpl. John Fairclough, T.S.M. Miller Smith and Pte. Fred Trigg had also vanished. No member of No. 2 Commando had any inkling as to the significance of these disappearances, but as usual, no questions were asked.
2 Commando, Lake Comacchio
Operation Roast.
"Remote from what was to be known as the ‘Battle of Lake Comacchio’, this author did not have a clue as to what was happening to his friends in No. 2 Commando. He had been inside Germany for some time and way out of touch.
It seems that No. 2 Commando had been joined by No. 9 Commando and Nos. 40 and 43 R.M. Commando to implement the task of grabbing a spit of land which extended from Lake Comacchio to the Adriatic Sea, with further exploitation northwards envisaged in the minds of the ‘planners’.
2 Commando, Operations from Vis
"No. 2 Commando started to arrive at Komiza on the Yugoslavian island of Vis on January 16th, 1944. They were to operate on Yugoslav soil for the next six months. The Commando was still much-depleted as a result of the battering it had taken at Salerno, and almost half the unit remaining in Italy consisted of the replacement men and those ‘old hands’ who formed the training cadres.
2 Commando, Salerno
Operation Avalanche
2 Commando, Salerno Aftermath
"As the No. 2 Commando War Diary states, the remnants of the unit, following the Salerno campaign, were redeployed to Catania, Sicily. For once they were not lodged in their usual dusty field. By some accident they had been given a roof over their heads in the shape of a former Italian barracks.
2 Commando, Sarande, Albania
Operation Mercerised
2 Commando, Sicily
Operation Husky.
2 Commando, Spilje, Albania
Operation Healing 11
2 Commando, St. Nazaire
Operation Chariot
"If any reader of this attempt to record the history of No. 2 Commando has gotten this far, he or she will have noted that the pride of place, on Page 1, has been given to the remembrance of the men of the Commando who died in the course of No. 2 Commando operations, including the men who did not return from St. Nazaire.
2 Commando, Vaagso
"The frustrations of 1941 dragged on almost to the end. It had not been a good year from the offensive-action viewpoint of the men of No. 2 Commando. They had done nothing to speak of and were upset at being unemployed. However, the Vaagso raiding force announced the end to this inertia, commencing warfare on December 27th, 1941, landing on Maaloy Island and overrunning the place in less than ten minutes.
4 Independent Company Nominal Roll
It is not complete. Many went on to serve in No.2 Commando.
Contact us with details to have an a name included, or provide additional information.
A breakdown of the Grohote raiding force
A document about 2 Commando Overseas
2 COMMANDO OVERSEAS April 13th 1943 - May 8th 1945
An account from a booklet written by an unknown member of No 2 Commando detailing the period April 13th 1943 to 8th May 1945 Gourock – Ravenna. From the collection of Lance Sergeant Joe Rogers MM.A False start
A Return in 1973 to Yugoslavia
ABRAM, Cyril Henry

- 11 September 1943 wounded during operations at Salerno, Italy.

Gunner Walter Ainslie was attested into the Royal Artillery in 1939. He served in 5 troop from mid 1942 and was wounded on 12 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. He remained with No.2 until the war ended.
AIRD, Michael Derrick

Post war member of the original Commando Association with whom they lost contact. Last known address: Stoke on Trent. [Source: CA Lost Legion 1].
ALLAN, Hugh Bryan
ALLARDICE, William Dallas
AMESBURY, Alfred Edmund
Alfred Amesbury, formerly No.2 Commando 3 Troop, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy serving with the Reconnaisance Regiment having left the Commando.
AMOS, Richard Henry

ANCHOR, John Robert
Guardsman Harold Anderton, 1 Troop, was wounded 28 March 1942 during Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, and evacuated back to the UK. He had embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 446. Post war member of the Commando Association.
ANDREWS, Albert Mailly
ARMITAGE, Harold Edward
Harold Edward Armitage, a Labourer from Huddersfield, Yorkshire, enlisted 18 April 1941. He volunteered for the commandos and was attached to No.2 Commando 3 Troop.
ARNOLD, Frank, H.W.
Corporal Frank Arnold, 5 Troop, was wounded on 13 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. He served in 'B' Section, No.4 Sub-Section of the Troop since at least July 1942. Member of the No.2 Commando Boxing Team. Former occupation Shop Assistant. Post war resided Cambridge.


ASQUITH, William

AUKETT, Norman John

AUSTIN, James Herbert

BACKHOUSE, Charles, R.

BAMPTON, Stephen Dorcas
BANKS, Frederick Charles

BANTING, Gareth Bernard (Reverend)

BARBER, Harold James
BARE, Jack Stormont
BARLING, Gilbert Michael

BARLOW, Arthur Leslie

BARNARD, Frederick Charles Kenneth
BARNES, William Walter
BARRON, Robert James


BARTON, Bernard James

Bernard James Barton was commissioned Second Lieutenant in The Buffs on the 22nd June 1940 (1).
On the 30th January 1941 he was transferred to the Recce Corps. (2)
BAVISTER, Robert John

BAYLISS, Leonard Frank

BEARDSELL, John Clifford

BECKETT, Paul Henry

BELL, William White

BENNER, Norman Joseph
BENNETT, Derick S.

BENNETT, Frederick

BENNETT, John Henry
Post war member of the Commando Association last known residing Frome, Somerset.
Commando Association Lost Legions List 2.
BIRNEY, David Leslie

Gunner D.B. Bishop was wounded on 29 July 1944 during operations at Spilje Albania.
BISHOP, Ivor, W.

BLACK, Graeme Delamere

BLACKWELL, Alun Trevor

BLATTNER, Charles William

Lance Sergeant Charles Blattner, 5 troop, was killed in action at Dragone Hill, Salerno, as the enemy attacked down the valley of La Molina towards Vietri. Son of Julian and Mary Blattner.
BLAZE, John Willie
Post war member of the Commando Association residing Sask, Canada.
BLISSETT, Harry Harold

BLOWER, Alfred

BLUNT, Ben Michael

BLYTHE, William
BOAST, Robert John
Addendum to Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 97 (1993).
BONDY, Theodor

Driver Theodor Bondy was awarded the BEM (Military Divison) in 1943 in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the Middle East.
BOON, Peter

BOULTON, Cyril Bryan

BOWMAN, Lionel George

BRADLEY, Richard


James Brinkley, a Labourer from Battersea, London, enlisted 17 March 1941. He volunteered for the commandos and was attached to No.2 Commando 3 Troop. Private Brinkley was reported missing at Salerno, Italy, later found to be a prisoner of war.
BRISCOE, Harold R.
BROOME, Richard Frank

BROWN, Douglas Cornell

BROWN, Louis Walter

BROWN, Ralph Douglas
Addendum to Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 97 (1993).
BROWN, Robert Hall
BROWN, William
Post war member of the Commando Association from Georgeham, Devon.
Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 101 (1995).
BROWNING, James Stanley

BRUCE, James
BRUNSWICK, Arthur Trotter

BRYAN, Edward Joseph

BUCKBY, Raymond


BUCKMASTER, Eric, Memories of No 2 Commando
BUCKMASTER, Stanley Owen

BUNN, Norman

BURKE, Edward

BURLEY, Charles, W.
BURN, Michael Clive

BURNS, Charles

BURNS, Ronald Edward David

BUSHE, Patrick
Private Dennis Callaghan, 6 Troop, was wounded on 13 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. Dennis was a Police Officer who had volunteered for the Commandos in 1942 and was part of a Police Intake to the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre), Achnacarry.
CAMERON, John Ewen

CAMPBELL, Norman Murray Priggen
Lance Sergeant Norman Campbell, 3 Troop, died of wounds during the 6 week period when No.2 Commando was placed "in the line" in Italy under 5 Corps. Son of Norman Priggen Campbell, and of Minnie Louise P. Campbell, of Wootton, Bedfordshire.
CANDLIN, James Daniel
Gunner James Daniel Candlin, 2 Troop, was wounded during operations at Salerno, Italy, on 14 September 1943 and again at Spilje Albania on 29 July 44. Post war he transferred to the Royal Engineers on 30 October 1951. He was a member of the Commando Association residing Hull.
CANT, Evelyn Arthur George

CAPP, William Thomas

CARPENTER, John Richard Owen

CARROLL, John Joseph
CARTER, Hugh John
CASWELL, William, J.

Gunner William Caswell was wounded on 29 July 1944 at Spilje, Albania.

CHALLINTON, William Alfred

CHANT, Douglas

CHAPMAN, William Jopp


CHEETHAM, John Frederick

CHUDLEY, William Henry Albert
CHURCH, Francis John
Private Francis Church was wounded twice the first being on 29 July 1944 (Spilje Bay, Albania), and when a Lance Corporal on 17 April 1945 (Argenta and Lake Comacchio, Italy). Post war member of the Commando Association from Prestwich, Manchester
CHURCHILL, John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming (Lt Col)

After a brief spell as 2i/c No 5 Commando, the then Major John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill (later affectionately known by some as Mad Jack) moved to 2i/c No 3 Commando. Wounded during Operation Archery at Vaagso 27 December 1941.
CLARK, James
CLARKE, Alfred John Douglas
CLARKSON, George Francis

CLEMENTS, Albert Edward

Private Albert Clements served in 1 Troop and was injured in 1943 during training at Gibraltar after which he was evacuated to the UK for treatment.
CLIBBORN, William Cuthbert

COBELLI, Dominic

St Nazaire Society website.
COBLEY, Victor Charles

COCKIN, Robert

CODD, Lawrence Joseph
COLEMAN, Lloyd William

CONNOR, Stanley, J.
CONWAY, John Alphonsus
COOK, Kenneth

COOKSON, Charles

COOPER, Dudley Edward

COOPER, George

COPLAND, William Oranmore


COULSON, John Richard
COX, Edward

COX, Cecil Ernest Robert
COX, Hugh Wilfred

COY, Reginald

COYLE, James Albert
CRADDOCK, Raymond Charles

[Image credit] Vicki Craddock, daughter.

CRAIG, Robert

CRAIG, Robinson Ostle

Private Robinson Craig was killed in action at Dragone Hill, near Vietri, Salerno. He was buried there the following day, his grave being marked with a cross. However it was never again found and Private Craig is one of the many who now have no known grave.
CREE, Lawrence Lamb


CRIPPS, Arthur Raymond

CROSS, Swinford Joseph
CROWE, Edward Louis


Fusilier John Cudby, 6 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. He had embarked on ML177 for the raid. Post war member of the Commando Association from Workington.

CURTIS, Eric Gordon

DALBY, Aubrey Roy

DANIEL, Robert Henry
DAVID, Douglas, W.
- 9 February 1939 joined the Metropolitan Police, warrant number 125614. Later resided at Blackheath Police Section House, Greenwich, SE10.
DAVID, Gordon Percy
DAVIDSON, Douglas Oscar
DAVIES, Arthur Henry William

DAVIES, Leonard
Private Len Davies served in 5 Troop and later the H.Q. Section. He was a serving Police Officer in Barrowford who volunteered for the Commandos as part of the Police Intakes in 1942.
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/80.
DAVIES, Raymond Spencer

Lance Sergeant Raymond Davies, 5 troop, died during operations at Lake Comacchio, Italy.
DAVIES, Ronald John
DAVIES, Wyndham Francis

DAVIS, Stanley Berkeley Edward

DAWSON, Herbert Horace
1951 Prisoner of War Korea; service number 5951021; 1st Bn. Glosters; Released 1953.
DAWSON, John William

- 29 July 1944 (Lance Sergeant) (No.2 Commando) wounded during Operation Healing 2 at Spilje Albania.
DAY, Arthur Frank
DAY, Stanley Ambrose

DE NOBRIGA, Derrick John
DEAKER, George James

DEARY, Patrick Gabriel
DEIGHAN, Bernard John

DEIGHTON, John Clifford
DENISON, Mallinson Charles

DENNY, George
DETTMER, Charles Henry

Gunner Charles Dettmer, HQ Troop Intelligence Section, was severely injured losing an arm in the same mortar explosion that killed Lieutenant Arthur Brunswick of No.2 Commando at Dragone Hill, Salerno. Post War Fleet Street journalist.

DINHAM, Walter George

Served in the HQ Administration Section from the early days of No. 2 Commando through to its disbandment.
DIXON, Herbert

Herbert Dixon enlisted with the Buffs on 15 March 1940. He then volunteered for No.5 Independent Company. After joining No.2 Commando he was posted to 6 troop. Late 1943 when the Commando was restructured he was moved to 5 troop. There are group photos of him and others in the 5 troop album.
DIXON, Herbert, Memories of No 2 Commando


DOWNES, Reginald William

DRANSFIELD, George David
Gunner Frank Driver was reported missing 13 September 1943 during operations in Italy (Salerno), later found to be a prisoner of war. Post war member of the Commando Association from Hull.
DRURY, Charles Henry

DUFFY, Anthony Patrick

ECKMAN, William John
Private William Eckman, from Everton Liverpool, served in 4 Troop and was one of the commando contingent who embarked on Motor Launch ML 306 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942. Reported as missing he was later found to be a prisoner of war.
EDGLEY, Robert Ernest

EDWARDS, Bernard

EKINS, Arthur William
Arthur William Ekins, a Wood Machinist from Stoke Newington, London, joined the Territorial Army in May 1937. Lance Corporal Ekins, No.2 Commando, was reported missing at Brac 6 June 1944, later confirmed a prisoner of war.
ELDRIDGE, Leonard Frederick

ELLIOTT, Alfred John
Private Alfred Elliott, 3 Troop, received a Mention in Despatches in recognition of gallant and distinguished service during the Commando raid at St Nazaire on 28/29 March 1942.

Post war member of the Commando Association.
ELLWOOD, William Cyril
EMMERSON, John Kenneth

EVANS, Charles Benjamin
EVANS, Frank
EVANS, Ralph
EVERETT, Thomas, H.

EWENS, George

- Emigrated to Tasmania [2][3].
FAHY, James

FARRER, George Hugh

FERGUSON, John Ronald Alexander
FIELD, William Frederick
FINCH, Victor William Charles

Corporal Victor 'Nicky' Finch, 3 Troop, embarked on HMS Campbeltown for the St. Nazaire raid (Operation Chariot). He was reported missing on 28 March 1942 later found to be a prisoner of war.
FISHER, Norman Lucas


FITTON, Douglas
In 1939 Douglas Fitton, a Labourer from Leeds, resided with his wife in Keighley. He enlisted into the K.O.S.B.'s. later volunteering for the Commandos. Private Fitton served in 'A' Section, No.1 Sub-Section of 5 Troop No.2 Commando.

FORMOY, Donald Neville

FOWLER, Henry Francis
FOYSTER, Denis Stephen
FRANKS, Godfrey Reginald


FROUD, George

Private George Froud was serving in 2 Troop in December 1942. Post war member of the Commando Association from Abingdon.
FRYER, Bennett William

FURSSE, Reginald Henry

- Evacuated back to the UK, he remained with No. 2 Commando [2][3].
FYFE, Charles Alexander

FYNN, Francis West (Lt Col)

GARLAND, Lindsay Ernest Albert

GARRATT, Arthur Ernest
GEE, Harold

GELDER, John Willie
GIBSON, William

GILL, Richard
GOLDIE, Thomas

Final rank attained Lance Sergeant.
GOLDTHORPE, Alfred George Ross

GOODE, Frank Cecil

GOSS, Leonard George William

GOULD, Norman Patrick
GRAY, Andrew

GRAY, Frank Herbert
GREEN, William Frederick
GREER, Samuel
Rifleman Samuel Greer was wounded on 17 April 1945 during operations in Italy (Lake Comacchio). Post war member of the Commando Association from Belfast.
GRIEF, George Valentine

GROSE, William Ernest
GROVES, Eric Richard Clifford

GWYNNE, John Edward Herbert


HAINES, George Ernest

HANNAN, Thomas Gerard

HANSTOCK, George Alfred

HARDING, Victor Philip

HARE, Owen Stewart
HARRINGTON, Jack Lonsdale
Lance Corporal Jack Harrington was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of distinguished services during Operation Chariot, the raid at St.

HARRONS, Charles Edward

Corporal Charles Harrons, 1 troop, died after No 2 Commando had just taken part in the raid on Spilje, Albania.
An entry in the No 2 Cdo War Diary dated 24th August 1944 states " Burial Service for Cpl Harrons (1 Tp) who died in hospital at Bari was held in the afternoon."
HAUSMANN, Fritz Sigmund

Fritz Sigmund Hausmann was born in Bingen Am Rhein, April 27th 1921. He was a German Jew who at age 13, fled Germany alone and went to school in Palestine.
HAWKINS, Frederick
Frederick Hawkins, a Sprayer from London enlisted on 2 May 1939. He volunteered for the commandos and was attached to No.2 Commando. Reported missing believed killed whilst with 3 Troop at Salerno, Italy, later found to be a prisoner of war.
HAY, William
HAYES, Frank

Guardsman Frank Hayes, 4 troop, was killed in action during operations at Vaagso, Norway. Son of George Richard Hayes, and of Lillian Hayes, of Manchester.
HEALEY, Frank H.

Frank Healey, 5 Troop, was wounded on 9 March 1945 during operations in Italy. He served in 'A' Section, No.2 Sub Section of the Troop and had been with the Commando since at least 1942. A former labourer he was married and resided near Stockport.
HEATHER, William Bernard
HEATON, Harold, L.
Corporal Harry Heaton was wounded on 9 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. He had served in 5 Troop since 1941 and was in 'A' Section, No.2 Sub-Section when wounded. Final rank attained Sergeant. He was married and a former manager for a Timber importer in Wallasey.
HENDERSON, Alexander Ponton
HENDERSON, John Patrick Leo

HENDRY, Bernard
- 9 September 1943 wounded during operations in Italy (Salerno) [2].

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