No 2 Commando

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'Brac - Operation Flounced'

Wednesday, May 31, 1944


Island of Brac, formerly Yugoslavia
43° 18' 17.6076" N, 16° 39' 9.756" E

  • Lieutenant Colonel J.M.T.F. Churchill, D.S.O., M.C. embarked from Vis as the Commanding Officer of a Force consisting of 43RM Commando, some commandos from 2 Special Service Brigade HQ, the Raiding Support Regiment, a company of the 2nd Highland Light Infantry, and 111 Field Regiment R.A. This was a diversionary attack on the German Garrison of Brac to draw off German Forces who were launching an offensive against the Yugo-Slav National Army of Liberation in Bosnia.

'Glomjford - Operation Musketoon’

Sunday, September 20, 1942


66° 51' 33.12" N, 14° 1' 36.48" E

Glomfjord, Norway

Operation Musketoon was a raid on an electricity generating station at Glomfjord in German occupied Norway. Ten Commandos from No 2 Commando and 2 Norwegian corporals working for the SOE took part in the raid leaving thier home port on the 11th September 1942.
They were taken by submarine to a remote Fjord, completed a difficult overland route, approaching their target from the rear and successfully destroyed it.
Seven were captured and later executed at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp under Hitler's infamous Commando Order. 

'Malta detachment - Force X'

A detachment of 4 Officers and some 60 OR's formed December 1940 from volunteers within 'B' Company No.1 Special Service Battalion. They trained at Gourock using Submarines and Folbots. After training the group embarked from Greenwich on board HMS Bonaventure joining the convoy Force H for Malta.

'Messina to Palermo railway raid'

Friday, August 29, 1941


38° 1' 19.6896" N, 14° 11' 7.9656" E
On the night of 29th/30th August, 1941, a small party of Commandos, led by Lt. Dudley Schofield, landed from the submarine 'Triumph' of the 10th Submarine Flotilla (operating from Malta), and successfully demolished one and a half spans of a bridge about 55 miles East of Palermo carrying the main Messina to Palermo Railway.  

Log Book HMS Triumph 30 Aug.1941

'Scaletta - Operation Blackcock (1)'

Sunday, August 15, 1943

Operation Blackcock was a British amphibious landing to take Scaletta on the north-east coast of Sicily. Planned by Lieutenant General Sir Miles Dempsey’s XIII Corps, of General Sir Bernard Montgomery’s 8th Army, the operation was designed as one of a pair of Allied operations to cut off the last elements of the German forces trying to fall back to their evacuation point at Messina in north-eastern Sicily.

'Vaagso - Operation Archery'

Saturday, December 27, 1941


Vaagso, Norway
62° 0' 10.2204" N, 5° 3' 52.9092" E

Vaagso Norway

A raid on Vaagso and Maaloy to destroy fish oil factories and sink enemy shipping. No.3 Commando were supported by 2 troops of No.2 Commando (less 1 Section), with a RAMC detachment from No.4 Commando and a RE detachment from No.6 Commando, and some from the Royal Norwegian Army.

2 Commando

The History

The first No.2 Commando was formed on the 22nd June 1940 for a parachuting role at Cambrai Barracks, Perham Down, near Tidworth, Hants. The Unit at the time consisted of four troops - 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'.  Eventually 11 troops were raised. A nominal roll of 'C' and 'D' troops can be found in our documents album within the No 2 Commando gallery.

2 Commando 5 Troop and 4 Independent Company

Type: Personal Papers
Author: Content Admin
Year of Publishing: 2023
Keywords: independent company,2commando,5troop

A list of names of a few of those from No.4 Independent Company who went on to serve in 5 Troop No.2 Commando and stayed on afterwards or moved elsewhere. Collection of Lance Sergeant Joseph Rogers MM, No.2 Commando 5 Troop. Contains links on the header to pages within the Commando Veterans Archive.

2 Commando Commanders

This history of No. 2 Commando was compiled at the request of The Commando Veterans Association, who wanted a record of the unit’s activities and first-hand recollections of its members as seen through the eyes of a No. 2 Commando veteran. There was a certain urgency about the request because this veteran, turned author, is old and just about one step away from the knacker’s yard. There is much to tell about the No. 2 Family and its Father, Charlie Newman.

Bob Bishop

Read more about each Commanding Officer below.

2 Commando Detachment 13 Sep'41 for 7 months

On 13 September 1941 Captain Godfrey Franks and a detachment of 25 Other Ranks left No.2 Commando and proceeded to Gibraltar from where they made several onward and return journeys between Gibraltar and Freetown, via Ghana and Lagos. Their role on board was primarily manning A.A. guns, the 14 pounder on the stern, 3 Bren guns on the top deck, and general ship maintenance and look out duties.

2 Commando Nominal Roll

In 1946 the Army Council decided that the Army Commandos were to be disbanded and no provision was allowed or made for any depository or office which would have at least contained a complete Roster of Names of the men who served in the various units. 

2 Commando Salerno/Scaletta Casualties

Type: Files
Author: No 2 Commando Officer
Year of Publishing: 2018
Keywords: salerno, casualties, 2 commando, avalanche, vietri, dragone hill, piegolette, piegolelle, the pimple, scaletta, sicily, italy

A document created by an officer of No 2 Commando with specifics of No.2 Commando casualties at Salerno, and locations of where they lay, or were first buried. It also includes details of three from the action at Scaletta, Sicily the previous month.

2 Commando, Glomfjord, Norway

Operation Musketoon

"It was on a day in late July, 1942 that the author noted the absence from the ranks of his troop of Capt. Graeme Black, Pte. Eric Curtis and Rfmn. Cyril Abram. At the same time, men of other troops recorded that Capt. Joe Houghton, Sgt. Richard O’Brien, L/Sgt. Bill Chudley, Pte. Reg Makeham, Cpl. John Fairclough, T.S.M. Miller Smith and Pte. Fred Trigg had also vanished. No member of No. 2 Commando had any inkling as to the significance of these disappearances, but as usual, no questions were asked.

2 Commando, Lake Comacchio

Operation Roast.

"Remote from what was to be known as the ‘Battle of Lake Comacchio’, this author did not have a clue as to what was happening to his friends in No. 2 Commando. He had been inside Germany for some time and way out of touch.

It seems that No. 2 Commando had been joined by No. 9 Commando and Nos. 40 and 43 R.M. Commando to implement the task of grabbing a spit of land which extended from Lake Comacchio to the Adriatic Sea, with further exploitation northwards envisaged in the minds of the ‘planners’.

2 Commando, Operations from Vis

"No. 2 Commando started to arrive at Komiza on the Yugoslavian island of Vis on January 16th, 1944. They were to operate on Yugoslav soil for the next six months. The Commando was still much-depleted as a result of the battering it had taken at Salerno, and almost half the unit remaining in Italy consisted of the replacement men and those ‘old hands’ who formed the training cadres.

2 Commando, Salerno Aftermath

"As the No. 2 Commando War Diary states, the remnants of the unit, following the Salerno campaign, were redeployed to Catania, Sicily. For once they were not lodged in their usual dusty field. By some accident they had been given a roof over their heads in the shape of a former Italian barracks.

2 Commando, St. Nazaire

Operation Chariot

"If any reader of this attempt to record the history of No. 2 Commando has gotten this far, he or she will have noted that the pride of place, on Page 1, has been given to the remembrance of the men of the Commando who died in the course of No. 2 Commando operations, including the men who did not return from St. Nazaire.

2 Commando, Vaagso

"The frustrations of 1941 dragged on almost to the end. It had not been a good year from the offensive-action viewpoint of the men of No. 2 Commando. They had done nothing to speak of and were upset at being unemployed. However, the Vaagso raiding force announced the end to this inertia, commencing warfare on December 27th, 1941, landing on Maaloy Island and overrunning the place in less than ten minutes.

4 Independent Company Nominal Roll

This nominal roll has been compiled from detail within this archive added to that provided many years ago by Dennis Reeves, Honorary Curator of the Liverpool Scottish Museum Archive, and compiler of the book Special Service of A Hazardous Nature: The Story of the Liverpool Scottish Involvement in Special Forces Operations in the WW2.
It is not complete. Many went on to serve in No.2 Commando.

Contact us with details to have an a name included, or provide additional information.

ABRAM, Cyril Henry

Cyril Abram 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Rifle Brigade
Rifleman Cyril Abram was one of the seven men of No. 2 Commando who were captured after Operation Musketoon and later executed at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp under Hitler's Commando Execution Order. Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Abram, of Manor Park, Essex.


No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
13 September 1941 member of the No.2 Commando Detachment to Gibraltar, and then Freetown via Ghana and Lagos, rejoining the main body of the commando seven months later.
  • 11 September 1943 wounded during operations at Salerno, Italy. 


Guner Walter Ainslie 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery

Gunner Walter Ainslie was attested into the Royal Artillery in 1939. He served in 5 troop from mid 1942 and was wounded on 12 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. He remained with No.2 until the war ended.

AIRD, Michael Derrick

Michael Aird  2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Michael Aird, 4 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action at sea. He had embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 268 and has no known grave.


No 2 Commando
South Staffordshire Regiment

Post war member of the original Commando Association with whom they lost contact. Last known address: Stoke on Trent.  [Source: CA Lost Legion 1].


No 2 Commando
Royal Engineers
Lance Corporal Jack Aldred, 4 Troop, was one of the Commando contingent emabarked on Motor Launch ML 443 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire 28March 1942. He was evacuated back to the UK after the raid [1].
Service [2]

ALLAN, Hugh Bryan

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Scots
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal Hugh Allan died during the action at Jaconti, near Vietri. He was originally buried "at the bottom of Jaconti village (East side). Map Ref. 601307."  Son of J.C. and Christine J.F. Allan, of Ayr.

ALLARDICE, William Dallas

No 2 Commando
Middle East Commando
London Scottish The Gordon Highlanders
Mentioned in Despatches
Private William Allardice served in No.2 Commando and the Middle East Commando. He was Mentioned in Despatches for gallant and distinguished service during his escape from captivity as a prisoner of war.

AMESBURY, Alfred Edmund

No 2 Commando
44th Reconnaisance Regiment
Military Medal (MM)

Alfred Amesbury, formerly No.2 Commando 3 Troop, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy serving with the Reconnaisance Regiment having left the Commando.

AMOS, Richard Henry

Richard Henry Amos 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Private Richard Amos (1 Troop) was one of the Commando contingent embarked on Motor Launch ML 446 during Operation Chariot at St Nazaire.
Evacuated back to the UK he remained with No.2 Commando and by the end of the war held the rank of Sergeant. Wounded 1944.

ANCHOR, John Robert

Guardsman (Acting Corporal)
No 2 Commando
Grenadier Guards
Military Medal (MM)
Corporal John Anchor, 6 Troop, was awarded the Military Medal for gallant and distinguished service at Spilje, Albania. Post war Police Officer in Chelmsford, Essex, and member of the Commando Association.


No 2 Commando
Grenadier Guards

Guardsman Harold Anderton, 1 Troop, was wounded 28 March 1942 during Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, and evacuated back to the UK. He had embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 446. Post war member of the Commando Association.

ANDREWS, Albert Mailly

No 2 Commando
Rifle Brigade
Military Medal (MM)
Rifleman Albert Andrews was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service. He was one of the Commando contingent that took part in operations from HM Submarine Triumph against the Palermo and Messina railway on the 29/30 August 1941.

ARNOLD, Frank, H.W.

Frank Arnold 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Suffolk Regiment

Corporal Frank Arnold, 5 Troop, was wounded on 13 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. He served in 'B' Section, No.4 Sub-Section of the Troop since at least July 1942. Member of the No.2 Commando Boxing Team. Former occupation Shop Assistant. Post war resided Cambridge.


Arthur Ashcroft 2 Commando
Arthur Ashcroft 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Liverpool Scottish, Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
Private Arthur Ashcroft, 5 Troop, was one of the Commando contingent embarked on HMS Campbeltown for Operation Chariot, the raid at St. Nazaire 28 March 1942. He was assigned to Assault Party 3D under the command of Captain Donald Roy.

ASQUITH, William

William Asquith 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
West Yorkshire Regiment
Private William Asquith, 3 Troop, was wounded 9 October 1944. His commando were engaged in Operation Mercerised at Sarande, Albania. Member of the Commando Association.

AUKETT, Norman John

Norman Aukett 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Grenadier Guards
Norman Aukett, a former lorry driver from North Kensington, served in 2 Troop. Post war Norman and his wife Sheila resided in South Australia. Norman was an active member of the Commando Association returning for several reunions.

BACKHOUSE, Charles, R.

Charles Backhouse 2 commando and 1st SAS
Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Mentioned in Despatches
Charles Backhouse served with No.2 Commando before joining the 1st S.A.S. [1].
He received a Mention in Despatches for his escape having been taken prisoner of war whilst serving with the 1st SAS [2].

BAMPTON, Stephen Dorcas

No 2 Commando
Queens Own Royal West Kent
Killed in action or died of wounds
Sergeant Stephen Bampton was killed in action in Italy. At the time of his death his Commando had been placed "in the line" near Ravenna. Son of Stephen Seymore Bampton and Charlotte Victoria Bampton; nephew of Mrs. C. Bampton, of Isleworth, Middlesex.

BANTING, Gareth Bernard (Reverend)

Captain Chaplain 4th Class
No 2 Commando
Royal Army Chaplains' Department
Killed in action or died of wounds
Reverend Gareth Banting joined No.2 Commando on 24 November 1943. Captain (Reverend) Banting, Padre of No 2 Commando, died of wounds during operations at Sarande, Albania. Son of Revd. Edgar Banting and Charlotte Emily Banting, of Plumtree Rectory, Nottingham. M.A. (Cantab.).

BARBER, Harold James

No 2 Commando
Royal Norfolk Regiment
Harold James Barber, a Carpenter/Joiner from Suffolk, enlisted into the Armed Forces on 24 June 1940. He later volunteered for commando service and was attached to No.2 Commando 5 Troop, 'B' Section, No.3 Sub-Section [1][2].

BARE, Jack Stormont

No 2 Commando
Artists Rifles
Territorial Decoration (TD)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Captain Jack Stormont Bare died during operations from the No. 2 Commando base on the island of Vis against the enemy occupied island of Hvar. Son of Capt. Arnold Edwin Bare, M.V.O.

BARLING, Gilbert Michael

Captain Mike Barling RAMC and 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Army Medical Corps
Captain Gilbert Michael Barling M.B., R.A.M.C. was attached to No.2 Commando HQ on 2 August 1941.  In March 1942 he embarked on board motor launch ML 341 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St. Nazaire but en route transferred to ML 446.


Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Metropolitan Police
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Colonial Police Medal
Lance Corporal Jack Barlow served in 6 troop and also in the Intel Section of No.2 Commando. He was one of the Metropolitan Police Intakes to the Commandos.

BARNES, William Walter

Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Metropolitan Police
Mentioned in Despatches
1939 William Barnes was a Metroplitan Police Constable residing in Paddington. 
1942 volunteered for the Commandos as part of the 1st Police Intake.
December 1942 (Fusilier) No.2 Commando 6 Troop.

BARRON, Robert James

Robert Barron 2 Commando and SOE
Robbie Barron 2 Commando and SOE
Sergeant (later Major)
2877629 & 253487
No 2 Commando
London Scottish The Gordon Highlanders
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Mentioned in Despatches
Sergeant Robert Barron, 1 troop, was one of the Commando contingent who participated in the St. Nazaire raid on ML 446. Evacuated back to the UK [1]
General Service [3].


John Barry 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
South Lancashire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private John Barry died on 19 September 1943 at 67 General Hospital C.M.F. of wounds received 13 September 1943 at Dragone Hill, Salerno. Son of Denis and Kathleen Barry, of Slaithwaite, Yorkshire.

BARTON, Bernard James

Barton 2 Commando
Newspaper article re Lt Barton MC
T/Captain (later Major)
No 2 Commando
The Buffs / Reconnaissance Regiment / Royal Armoured Corps
Military Cross (MC)
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order

Bernard James Barton was commissioned Second Lieutenant in The Buffs on the 22nd June 1940 (1).

On the 30th January 1941 he was transferred to the Recce Corps. (2)

BAVISTER, Robert John

T/Captain Bavister No 2 Commando
Temporary Captain
No 2 Commando
South Wales Borderers
Mentioned in Despatches
Captain Robert Bavister received a Mention in Despatches in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the Mediterranean Theatre [2]. 
Service Record

BEARDSELL, John Clifford

John Clifford Beardsell
Rifleman (later Sergeant)
No 2 Commando
Rifle Brigade
Mentioned in Despatches
Rifleman John Beardsell, 3 Troop, embarked on board HMS Campbeltown for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire. During the raid he was wounded by enemy fire whilst still on board. He was transferred to a motor launch and evacuated back to the UK [1][2][3].

BECKETT, Paul Henry

Private Paul Beckett 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
York and Lancaster Regiment
Private Paul Beckett served in No.2 Commando from November 1943 until disbandment in 1945.
His son Mike Beckett.
Commando Service Certificate.
CVA Gallery entry.

BELL, William White

Acting Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
William White Bell, a Civil Servant from Paisley, enlisted into the Armed Forces on 12 April 1939, later volunteering for the commandos. Lance Corporal Bell, No.2 Commando 6 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 during Operation Chariot at St.


Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Commando Basic Training Centre
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Lance Sergeant Roy Bellringer served with 1 troop and took part in the raid at St Nazaire.  He was on board ML 446 and was evacuated back to the UK. In July 1942 he was part of the No 2 Commando Boxing Team.

BENNER, Norman Joseph

No 2 Commando
Rifle Brigade
Died on war service
Rifleman Norman Benner died as a result of an accident. Son of Fred Alvis Benner, and of Maude Elizabeth Benner, of Wallington.
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/73.

BENNETT, Derick S.

No 2 Commando
Queens Own Royal West Kent
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Derick Bennett, 6 troop, died during operations at Dragone Hill, Salerno. Son of Alfred John and Thyrza Bennett, of Maidstone, Kent.

BENNETT, Frederick

Fred Bennett 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
South Lancashire Regiment
Private Fred Bennett, 5 Troop, was wounded on 13 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. He served in 'A' Section, No.2 Sub-Section of the Troop. Former occupation Plumber and Painter. Post war member of the Commando Association from Warrington.

BIRNEY, David Leslie

David Birney 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Rifle Brigade
Killed in action or died of wounds
Captain David Birney, Officer Commanding 2 troop, died of wounds after Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire which took place on 28 March 1942*. He was commanding an assault group that had embarked on Motor Launch ML 447. 


No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery

Gunner D.B. Bishop was wounded on 29 July 1944 during operations at Spilje Albania.

Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/80.

BISHOP, Ivor, W.

Ivor Bishop 2 Commando
RSM Ivor Bishop 2 Commando
Regimental Sergeant Major
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Lance Corporal Ivor Bishop, 1 Troop,  was one of the Commando contingent who embarked on Motor Launch ML 446 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire 28 March 1942.

BLACK, Graeme Delamere

No 2 Commando
South Lancashire
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Military Cross (MC)
Captain Graeme Black DSO, MC, was executed whilst a Prisoner of War. He was one of the seven Commandos of No. 2 Commando who were captured after Operation Musketoon, and later executed under Hitler's Commando Execution Order, at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, Berlin, 1942. 

BLACKWELL, Alun Trevor

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Independent Companies and Special Service Battalions
South Lancashire Regt (Prince of Wales Volunteers)
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)
Private Alun Blackwell enlisted with the South Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales Volunteers) in October 1939. In 1940 he volunteered for the Independent Companies and took part in the Scissors Force expedition to Norway.

BLATTNER, Charles William

Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Royal Scots
Killed in action or died of wounds

Lance Sergeant Charles Blattner, 5 troop, was killed in action at Dragone Hill, Salerno, as the enemy attacked down the valley of La Molina towards Vietri. Son of Julian and Mary Blattner.

BLAZE, John Willie

No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery

Post war member of the Commando Association residing Sask, Canada.

Royal Artillery Attestation Register 1937.
Commando Association newsletter 11 (1950).

BLISSETT, Harry Harold

Maj. Blissett 2 commando
No 4 Independent Company
No 2 Commando
1 Special Service (Commando) Brigade
The King's Regiment (Liverpool)
Mentioned in Despatches
Major Harry Harold Blissett served as a Captain in No 4 Independent Company and No 2 Commando. He was appointed Brigade Major in the 1st Special Service Bde in preparation for DDay.  In 1945 he received a MiD for gallant and distinguished services in NW Europe[1].

BLOWER, Alfred

Alfred Blower 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Alfred Blower, 4 troop, died of wounds received at Dragone Hill, Salerno, on the 13th September 1943. He died at 67 General Hospital CMF. Son of Alfred and Elizabeth Blower, of Liverpool; husband of Winifred Blower, of Liverpool.

BLUNT, Ben Michael

Ben Michael Blunt 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Post war member of the Commando Association from Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Played Rugby for Lockheed RFC and later the Old Leamingtonians RFC.
Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 113 (2001).

BLYTHE, William

Bill Blythe 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Liverpool Scottish Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Lance Corporal William Blythe, 5 Troop, was one of the commando contingent embarked on Motor Launch ML 177 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St. Nazaire 28 March 1942.
Reported missing after the raid, later found to be a prisoner of war.

BONDY, Theodor

Driver Theodore Bondy BEM 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
British Empire Medal (BEM)

Driver Theodor Bondy was awarded the BEM (Military Divison) in 1943 in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the Middle East. 

BOON, Peter

Peter Boon
Peter Boon 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Gloucestershire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Gunner Peter Boon, 1 troop, died during operations at Splije, Albania. He has no known grave. Son of Albert and Florence Boon, of Avening Road, Gloucester.

BOWMAN, Lionel George

Lionel Bowman 2 Commando
Original Grave of Private Bowman
No 2 Commando
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Lionel Bowman, 5 Troop, died of wounds during operations at Salerno, Italy. Son of Harry and Alice Mary Bowman, of Wanstead, London. In 1939 Lionel was a press advertising representative residing at 45 Redbridge Lane, Wanstead.


part ??66487
No 2 Commando
Joined No.2 Commando circa 1945. Father resided in Castleford, Yorkshire.
Handwritten Nominal Roll of No.2 Commandos provided by Mrs Desiree Roderick MBE.


No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
Died on war service
Sergeant Eric Bradley died as a result of a traffic accident when he was fatally injured when hit by a lorry whilst walking along Chester Road, Altrincham. This was during the period when No 2 Commando was a Para Commando unit.

BRADLEY, Richard

LSgt Richard Bradley MM 2 Commando
Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Military Medal (MM)
Lance Sergeant Richard Bradley, 1 troop,  was awarded the Military Medal for gallant and distinguished services in the field relating to his successful escape in October 1943 after being wounded and captured during the raid at St Nazaire in March 1942.


Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Welch Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal John Brighty, 2 troop, was reported wounded and missing, later presumed killed in action, during Operation Healing 2 at Spilje Albania. He has no known grave. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Brighty; husband of Mary Brighty (nee Haymarch), of Ayr.


No 2 Commando
Queen's Royal Regiment

James Brinkley, a Labourer from Battersea, London, enlisted 17 March 1941. He volunteered for the commandos and was attached to No.2 Commando 3 Troop. Private Brinkley was reported missing at Salerno, Italy, later found to be a prisoner of war.

BRISCOE, Harold R.

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal Harold Briscoe, 1 troop, was killed in action during operations at Fossa Marina, East of Argenta, Italy. Son of Harold and Sarah Ann Briscoe, of Blackbrook, St. Helens, Lancs.


No 2 Commando
South Staffordshire Regiment
Wounded during operations at Salerno, Italy.
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/67.

BROOME, Richard Frank

No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
South Lancashire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Captain Richard Broome, Officer Commanding 5 troop, was killed in action at Dragone Hill as the enemy attacked down the valley of La Molina towards Vietri, Italy. Initially buried on the forward slope of Dragone Hill. Son of Geoffrey and Ethel Broome; husband of Desiree L. M.

BROWN, Douglas Cornell

Douglas Cornell Brown 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Devonshire Regiment
Douglas Brown served in 1 Troop in 1942 and was a member of the No.2 Commando Boxing Team that year.
Handwritten nominal roll of No.2 Commando from Mrs Desiree Roderick MBE (shows rank as LCpl).

BROWN, Louis Walter

Louis Walter (Ben) Brown 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Liverpool Scottish Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
Sergeant Louis Walter 'Ben' Brown, aged 24 and from Liverpool, served in 5 Troop and took part in Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942.

BROWN, Ralph Douglas

partial ??351544
No 2 Commando
Post war member of the Commando Association residing Glasbury, Herefordshire.
Addendum to Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 97 (1993).
List of No.2 Commandos provided by Mrs Desiree Roderick MBE.

BROWN, Robert Hall

Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Gordon Highlanders
Military Medal (MM)
Lance Sergeant Robert Brown, No 2 Commando, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service. He was one of the Commando contingent that took part in operations from HMS Triumph against the Palermo and Messina railway on the 29/30 August 1941.

BROWN, William

No 2 Commando
Holding Operational Commando

Post war member of the Commando Association from Georgeham, Devon.

Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 101 (1995).

BRUCE, James

No 2 Commando
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Sergeant James Bruce, 1 Troop, took part in Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire. Embarked on board motor launch ML446 he was wounded during the raid and evacuated back to the UK.

BRUNSWICK, Arthur Trotter

No 2 Commando
Durham Light Infantry
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lieutenant Arthur Brunswick, HQ Troop Intelligence Section, died of wounds from a mortar explosion during operations at Dragone Hill, Salerno. Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Brunswick, of Dunston, Co. Durham.

BRYAN, Edward Joseph

Bryan 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
King's Regiment (Liverpool)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal Edward Bryan, 4 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action at sea. He has no known grave.
Son of Adam and Mary Bryan; husband of D. M. Bryan.


No 2 Commando
Hampshire Regiment
Private Bryant was wounded 17 October 1943 during operations in Italy.
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/67.

BUCKBY, Raymond

Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Sergeant Raymond Buckby, 1 troop, was killed in action during operations at Lake Comacchio and Argenta, Italy. Son of James Lawrence Buckby and Kate Buckby, of Fleckney, Leicestershire.


Eric Buckmaster
No 2 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
Eric Buckmaster served in No 2 Commando 5 troop from mid 1942 until the Commando was disbanded soon after the war ended. Eric was wounded on 9 September 1943 during operations at  Salerno, Italy, and sent for medical treatment to North Africa.

BUCKMASTER, Eric, Memories of No 2 Commando

Over the last few years Eric Buckmaster, No 2 Commando, has been a wonderful help to this Archive by providing information in response to our many questions, not only about those who served with him in No 2 Commando 5 troop, but also in providing other more general information about events and places. 
Eric served alongside his brother Stanley Buckmaster [more...] in 5 troop. Here are some extracts from a few of his responses.
Joining No 2 Commando 5 troop

BUCKMASTER, Stanley Owen

No 2 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
Stanley Buckmaster joined 5 troop from the RASC after Salerno. His older brother Eric was already in the Troop. Stan was wounded on 17 April 1945 during operations in Italy (Lake Comacchio and Argenta).

BUNN, Norman

No 2 Commando
Royal Armoured Corps
Killed in action or died of wounds
Trooper Norman Bunn, 2 troop, died of wounds in 11 Casualty Clearing Station, Brindisi, Italy. Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Bunn, of Wall Heath, Brierley Hill, Staffordshire.

BURKE, Edward

Sgt Edward 'Tiny' Burke BEM, 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
1st Bn. Liverpool Scottish / Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Edward 'Tiny' Burke, from Kirkdale Liverpool, enlisted into the 1st Bn Liverpool Scots TA, Queens Own Cameron Highlanders. His civil occupation had been a Driver.

BURLEY, Charles, W.

No 2 Commando
Middlesex Regiment
Private Charles Burley was wounded 16 September 1943 during operations in Italy. Post war member of the Commando Association.
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/68.

BURN, Michael Clive

Capt. Burn MC 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
King's Royal Rifle Corps
Military Cross (MC)
Captain Michael Burn, 6 troop, was awarded the Military Cross  for gallant and distinguished service during Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire 28 March 1942. He was in charge of the commando contingent on board motor launch ML 192.

BURNS, Charles

No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Killed in action or died of wounds
Gunner Charles Burns, 6 troop, was killed in action during operations at Dragone Hill, Salerno. He has no known grave. He was reported to have been buried by the 6th Yorks and Lancs.

BURNS, Ronald Edward David

Ronald Edward D. Burns 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
King's Royal Rifle Corps (11th Bn)
(1st Bn. Queen's Westminsters)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Rifleman Ronald Burns, 6 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later confirmed killed in action. He embarked for the raid on ML 268. Son of Edward and Alice Janet Burns, of Brockley, London.

BUSHE, Patrick

Paddy Bushe 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles
Patrick Bushe from Co. Tipperary, enlisted 12 November 1938, formerly employed as a Labourer. Rifleman Bushe, 6 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. Embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 177.


Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Black Watch
Halifax Police

Private Dennis Callaghan, 6 Troop, was wounded on 13 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. Dennis was a Police Officer who had volunteered for the Commandos in 1942 and was part of a Police Intake to the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre), Achnacarry.

CAMERON, John Ewen

Corporal Cameron 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Lovat Scouts
Killed in action or died of wounds
Corporal John Cameron, formerly a gamekeeper at the Rannoch Lodge Estate, Perthshire, was killed in action during operations in Italy. Son of Donald and Catherine Cameron, of Rannoch Station, Perthshire.

CAMPBELL, Norman Murray Priggen

Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds

Lance Sergeant Norman Campbell, 3 Troop, died of wounds during the 6 week period when No.2 Commando was placed "in the line" in Italy under 5 Corps. Son of Norman Priggen Campbell, and of Minnie Louise P. Campbell, of Wootton, Bedfordshire.

CANDLIN, James Daniel

No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery

Gunner James Daniel Candlin, 2 Troop, was wounded during operations at Salerno, Italy, on 14 September 1943 and again at Spilje Albania on 29 July 44. Post war he transferred to the Royal Engineers on 30 October 1951. He was a member of the Commando Association residing Hull.

CAPP, William Thomas

Bill Capp 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Metropolitan Police
Corporal William Capp served in 5 Troop and was Piat Mortar operator.
A serving Metropolitan Police Officer he had volunteered as one of the Police Intakes to the Commandos. In 1939 he was residing at the Police Section House, 277 Upper Street Islington. 


No 2 Commando
Black Watch
Liverpool City Police
In 1939 Norman Capstick was single, residing with his parents at 3 Charles Street, Lancaster, and employed as a Railway Porter. He joined the Liverpool City Police on 1 September 1941.


Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Lancashire Fusiliers
Lancashire Constabulary (Colne)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal George Carrick, 3 troop, died during operations on 13 September 1943 at Dragone Hill, Salerno, Italy, where he was initially buried (Map ref 602409) [1][2].
Son of George and Ethel Carrick, of Astley, Lancashire.

CARROLL, John Joseph

No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Fusilier John Carroll, 3 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. He had embarked on ML 177.

CARTER, Hugh John

No 2 Commando
Monmouthshire Regiment (4th Bn)
Died on war service
Died in the UK
Corporal Hugh Carter was in the original No 2 (Parachute) Commando. He died in a training accident at Ringway during a parachute jump. Son of James and Florence Emily Carter, of Newport.


14241732 or 14241792
No 2 Commando
City of London Police
Trooper William Cartwright served in 3 Troop. He had volunteered for the Commandos in 1942 as part of the Police Intakes that commenced that year.
In 1939 he was Police Constable 90 'B', warrant number 9363, serving at Snow Hill Police Station, City of London.


John Caveney 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Scots Fusiliers
John Caveney was a Bricklayer from Paisley who enlisted into the Royal Scots Fusiliers before volunteering for the Commandos. He served in No.2 Commando 5 Troop 'B' Section (3 Sub-Section), and was billeted at 4 Church Place whilst the Commando were based in Ayr.

CHANT, Douglas

Private Douglas Chant 2 Commando
Douglas Chant 2 Cdo Boxing team
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Private Douglas Chant, 2 Troop, was one of the commando contingent embarked on Motor Launch ML 307 for Operations Chariot, the raid at St. Nazaire 28 March 1942.
He was evacuated back to the UK after the raid [1][1a].

CHAPMAN, William Jopp

William Chapman 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Birmingham City Police
William Chapman was a Police Constable in Birmingham who volunteered for the Commandos as part of the Police Intakes. In January 1943 he was in the Mortar Section. Post war member of the Commando Association residing Birmingham.


No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)
Metropolitan Police
Died on active service
Fusilier Gerald Cheetham, Heavy Weapons Troop, died of illness (pneumonia) whilst on active service in Italy. Son of Thomas James Cheetham and Charlotte Cheetham [1][1a][1b].

CHEETHAM, John Frederick

Jack Cheetham 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Liverpool Scottish Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
Corporal John 'Jack' Cheetham, 5 Troop, was reported wounded and a prisoner of war on 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire. He had embarked on HMS Campbeltown. Post war resided Halewood, Merseyside.


No 2 Commando
South Staffordshire Regiment
Corporal William Chesters was wounded 17 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy (Piegolelle)*. Post war member of the Commando Association from Derrington, Staffs.

CHUDLEY, William Henry Albert

William Chudley 2 Commando
Lance Bombardier
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Lance Bombardier William Chudley was one of the seven men of No. 2 Commando who were captured after Operation Musketoon, and later executed under Hitler's Commando Execution Order, at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, Berlin, 1942. Son of Richard Henry and Ellen Eliza Chudley, of Exeter.

CHURCH, Francis John

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Private Francis Church was wounded twice the first being on 29 July 1944 (Spilje Bay, Albania), and when a Lance Corporal on 17 April 1945 (Argenta and Lake Comacchio, Italy). Post war member of the Commando Association from Prestwich, Manchester

CHURCHILL, John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming (Lt Col)

Lieutenant Colonel
No 2 Commando
No 3 Commando
No 5 Commando
Manchester Regiment
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Military Cross (MC)

After a brief spell as 2i/c No 5 Commando, the then Major John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill (later affectionately known by some as Mad Jack) moved to 2i/c No 3 Commando. Wounded during Operation Archery at Vaagso 27 December 1941.

CLARK, James

No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Military Medal (MM)
Gunner James Clark was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in the field. 

London Gazette 36983, page 1427.

CLARKSON, George Francis

George Clarkson 2 Commando
George Francis Clarkson 2 Commando
Lance Corporal (later Lieutenant)
14241653 and 311303
No 2 Commando
Border Regiment
Cheshire Constabulary
George Clarkson, a native of Cumbria, was a Police Officer in Crewe who volunteered in 1942 for the Commandos and was part of the Police Intakes to the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre), Achnacarry.

CLIBBORN, William Cuthbert

Lieutenant William Clibborn 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
No 3 Independent Company
Essex Regiment
Lieutenant William Clibborn, 2 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later found to have been wounded and become a prisoner of war. He embarked on ML 447 for the raid.

COBELLI, Dominic

Dominic Cobelli 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Lance Corporal Dominic Cobelli, 1 Troop, took part in Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire. He embarked on board motor launch ML446 and was evacuated back to the UK after the raid.
St Nazaire Society website.

COBLEY, Victor Charles

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Devonshire Regiment
Plymouth City Police
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Victor Cobley served in the Heavy Weapons Troop. In 1944 he was commissioned Second Lieutenant. A serving Police Officer he volunteered as one of the Police Intakes to the Commandos.

COCKIN, Robert

Lance Corporal Robert Cockin 2 Commando
Robert Cockin 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
South Lancashire Regiment
Lance Corporal Robert Cockin, 4 Troop, aged 22 and from Stockton, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later found to have been wounded and taken prisoner of war. He embarked on Motor Launch ML 267 which was hit by enemy fire and sank.

COLEMAN, Lloyd William

Lloyd Coleman 2 Commando
Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Somerset Light Infantry
Newport Borough Police Force
Mentioned in Despatches
Lance Sergeant Lloyd Coleman was Mentioned in Despaches in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in the Mediterranean theatre. He served in 5 troop, ('B' Section, No.4 Sub Section) and, after a course on the 3" Mortar, the Heavy Weapons Troop.

CONNOR, Stanley, J.

No 2 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Stanley Connor died during operations at Salerno, Italy. Son of James and Honora Connor; husband of Grace F. Connor, of Colindale, Middlesex.

CONWAY, John Alphonsus

No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers, 9th Bn.
Gloucestershire Constabulary
Fusilier John Conway was wounded 18 January 1944 during operations in Italy.
1939 - Police Constable serving at the Police Station, High Street, Stow on the Wold.
1942 - Volunteered for the Commandos as part of the Police Intakes.

COOK, Kenneth

No 2 Commando
Royal Armoured Corps
Police Force not known
Kenneth  Cook was a Police Officer who volunteered for the Commandos in 1942 joining the 2nd Police Intake to the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre) at Achnacarry.

COOKSON, Charles

Charles Cookson 2 Commando 1943
Constable Charles Cookson
No 2 Commando
Kings Own Scottish Borderers
Burnley Borough Police
Corporal Charles Cookson served in 1 Troop and later the Heavy Weapons Troop.
A serving Police Officer he volunteered as part of the Police Intakes to the Commandos.
1939 Police Constable, Burnley Borough Police, residing at 117 Woodgrove Road, Burnley.

COOPER, Dudley Edward

Dudley Cooper MM 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Lancashire Fusiliers
Manchester Police
Military Medal (MM)
Fusilier Dudley Edward Cooper was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in Italy. Member of the Commando Association from Manchester.

COOPER, George

George Cooper 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment
Private George Cooper served in 'B' Section, No.3 Sub-Section of 5 Troop, and later in the Mortar Section.
A serving Police Officer he volunteered as one of the Police Intakes to the Commandos. He was married and from New Houghton near Mansfied.

COPLAND, William Oranmore

William Copland 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
South Lancashire Regiment
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Territorial Decoration (TD)
Major William Copland was second in command of No 2 Commando. He had previously served with No 4 Independent Company. Major Copland was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war.


John Coughlan 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
King's Regiment (Liverpool)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal John Coughlan, 4 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action at sea. He has no known grave.

COULSON, John Richard

No 2 Commando
Royal Armoured Corps
Southport Police
Corporal John Coulson served in 5 Troop before transferring to the HQ Troop.
1942 serving Police Officer from Southport, volunteered for the commandos as part of the Police Intakes. Post war member of the Commando Association (Liverpool).


No 2 Commando
Durham Light Infantry
Sunderland Police Force
Private Arnold Couthard served in 6 Troop. He was a Police Officer from Sunderland who volunteered for the Commandos as part of the Police Intakes of 1942. Arnold is amongst the Police Officers from Sunderland who had passed their Police First Aid Course named in a newspaper report in 1940.

COX, Edward

Edward Cox 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Killed in action or died of wounds
Gunner Edward Cox was killed in action during operations at Scaletta, Sicily. He was initially buried on a terrace on the Shore side of the road at the North end of the beach North of Scarlett a. Son of Herbert and Louise Cox, of Blackpool, Lancashire; husband of M.

COX, Cecil Ernest Robert

No 2 Commando
Royal Armoured Corps
West Sussex Constabulary and Metropolitan Police
Killed in action or died of wounds
Corporal Cecil Cox, 1 troop died on 22 March 1944 of wounds received on the 18/19 March 1944 during a raid on the village of Grohote on the Dalmatian island of Solta. Son of Ernest and Alice Jane Cox of Horsham Sussex.

COX, Hugh Wilfred

Private Hugh Cox 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Liverpool Scottish QOCH
Private Hugh Cox, 5 Troop, was one of the commando contingent on board HMS Campbeltown during Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazai

COYLE, James Albert

255389 and 902861
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Killed in action or died of wounds
James Albert Coyle from Romford, Essex, was attested into the ranks of the Royal Artillery in 1939. 3rd December 1942 commissioned Second Lieutenant. Lieutenant James Coyle died in Albania during operations with No.2 Commando. Husband of Ida Esther Coyle.


No 2 Commando
Coldstream Guards
Sunderland Police
Guardsman Ben Crabtree served in 6 Troop [1]. Post war on 6 October 1945 he transferred to the Corps of Military Police [2] before being released from service.


John Craig 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Black Watch
Police Force not known
John Craig was a Police Officer from Blackpool who volunteered for the Commandos enlisting 23 July 1942 as part of the 2nd Police Intake to the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre), Achnacarry.

CRAIG, Robert

Robert Craig 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Hartlepool Police
Robert Craig was a Police Officer from Hartlepool, County Durham, who volunteered for the Commandos enlisting on 23 July 1942 as part of the 2nd Police Intake to the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre), Achnacarry. He was attached to No.2 Commando on 24 September 1942.

CRAIG, Robinson Ostle

Robinson Ostle Craig 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Kings Own Scottish Borderers
Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Police
Killed in action or died of wounds

Private Robinson Craig was killed in action at Dragone Hill, near Vietri, Salerno. He was buried there the following day, his grave being marked with a cross. However it was never again found and Private Craig is one of the many who now have no known grave.

CREE, Lawrence Lamb

Lawrence Lamb Cree 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Lawrence Lamb Cree was a Sheet Iron Worker from Greenock before enlisting into the Royal Artillery. After volunteering for the Commandos Gunner Cree joined No.2 Commando 5 Troop 'A' Section (Section HQ) and was billeted at 27 York Street whilst based in Ayr.


RQMS Ron Crippin 2 Commando
Warrant Officer 2
No 2 Commando
No 2 Independent Company
Royal Army Service Corps
British Empire Medal (BEM)
Mentioned in Despatches
Ron Crippin, then a Corporal in the HQ troop, took part in Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire.

CRIPPS, Arthur Raymond

No 2 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles
Killed in action or died of wounds
Rifleman Arthur Cripps, 1 troop, died during operations at Lake Comacchio, Italy. Son of Charles and Jennie Cripps; husband of Barbara Cripps, of Apsley End, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.

CROSS, Swinford Joseph

No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Metropolitan Police War Reserve
Swinford Joseph Cross, known as Sid, was a Metropolitan Police War Reserve Constable from 1 September 1939 until 22 July 1942. He volunteered for the Commandos joining  the 2nd Police Intake to the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre), Achnacarry, on 23 July 1942.

CROWE, Edward Louis

Ted Crowe 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Norfolk Regiment
Peterborough Police
Edward Crowe volunteered for the Commandos as part of the Police Intakes of 1942.
1939 residing with his parents in Sheringham, Norfolk, profession Printers Apprentice.
1941 April, joined the Police at Huntingdon, Peterborough.


John Cudby 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers

Fusilier John Cudby, 6 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. He had embarked on ML177 for the raid. Post war member of the Commando Association from Workington.


Henry Cunningham 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
King's Regiment (Liverpool)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Henry Cunningham, 4 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action at sea. He embarked for the raid on ML 267 and has no known grave. Son of John and Margaret Cunningham, of Old Swan, Liverpool.


No 2 Commando
Royal Tank Regiment
Military Medal (MM)
Corporal James Cunningham was awarded the Military Medal whilst serving as a Sherman tank driver in the Royal Tank Corps. His gallantry took place during a full armoured attack on 26 March 1943 near El Hamma in Tunisia.

CURTIS, Eric Gordon

Eric Curtis 2 Commando
Eric Gordon Curtis 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Queens Own Royal West Kent
Private Eric Gordon Curtis was one of the seven men of No. 2 Commando who were captured after Operation Musketoon. He was executed on 23 October 1942, the day before his 21st birthday, at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp under Hitler's Commando Execution Order.

DALBY, Aubrey Roy

Aubrey Dalby 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Hertfordshire Regiment
Aubrey Dalby, a Carpenter's Apprentice before enlisting, volunteered for No.2 Commando whilst serving in the Hertfordshire Regiment. No.2 Commando at the time was in Gibraltar. He was a Vickers Machine Gunner in the Heavy Weapons Troop.

DANIEL, Robert Henry

No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Robert Henry Daniel was attested into the Royal Artillery in 1941, later volunteering for Special Service. He was attached No.2 Commando 4 Troop and wounded twice in Italy on 10 March 1945 and again on 3 April 1945 (Lake Comacchio).

DAVID, Douglas, W.

No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Metropolitan Police
Douglas David volunteered for the Commandos from the Police.
  • 9 February 1939 joined the Metropolitan Police, warrant number 125614. Later resided at Blackheath Police Section House, Greenwich, SE10.

DAVID, Gordon Percy

No 2 Commando
Royal Armoured Corps
Frome, Somerset Constabulary
Gordon Percy David, a Police Constable from Frome, Somerset, volunteered in 1942 joining the 2nd Police Intake at the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre), located at Achnacarry. On completion of his training he was attached to No.2 Commando.

DAVIDSON, Douglas Oscar

No 2 Commando
Leeds City Police
Douglas Oscar Davidson was a serving Police Officer who joined the Commandos as part of one of the Police Intakes. In 1939 he was a Police Constable with Leeds City Police residing at 45 Richmond Avenue, Leeds.

DAVIES, Arthur Henry William

A. Davies 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
King's Royal Rifle Corps
Stoke on Trent Police
Arthur Davies was a Police Officer from Aldridge, near Walsall, Staffordshire. He volunteered for the Commandos enlisting 23 July 1942 joining the 2nd Police Intake to the Commando Depot (Commando Basic Training Centre), Achnacarry.

DAVIES, Leonard

No 2 Commando
Lancashire Fusiliers
Lancashire Constabulary (Barrowford)

Private Len Davies served in 5 Troop and later the H.Q. Section. He was a serving Police Officer in Barrowford who volunteered for the Commandos as part of the Police Intakes in 1942.


No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
29.07.1944 - wounded during operations at Spilje Albania.
05.09.1944 - 3 Troop, left the commando and returned to his regiment.
Casualty Lists / National Archives file WO417/80.

DAVIES, Ronald John

No 2 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles, The London Irish Rifles
Died on active service
Corporal Ronald Davies, 2 Troop, was accidentally killed from a rifle shot whilst instructing a Squad. Son of John Davies, and of Margaret Ellen Davies, of Ilfracombe, Devon; husband of Lilian Amy Davies, of St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex.

DAVIES, Wyndham Francis

Wyndham Davies 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)
Metropolitan Police
Killed in action or died of wounds
Fusilier Wyndham Davies, 6 troop, was killed in action at Dragone Hill, Salerno, Italy. Initially buried as far as is known by the 6th Yorks and Lancs Regiment on the forward slope of the hill. Son of Francis and Mary Ann Davies, of Port Talbot, Glamorgan.

DAWSON, John William

John Dawson 2 Commando
Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Lance Corporal John Dawson, 6 Troop, took part in Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire. Embarked on motor launch ML156 he was evacuated back to the UK after the raid.
  • 29 July 1944 (Lance Sergeant) (No.2 Commando)  wounded during Operation Healing 2 at Spilje Albania.

DAY, Arthur Frank

No 2 Commando
Queens Own Royal West Kent
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Arthur Day died during operations at Piegolelle (aka Piegolette), near Salerno, Italy. He was initially buried jointly with two Royal Marine Commandos in a vineyard 30 yards South of Piegolelle. Son of Algin and Alice Day, of Kennington, London.

DAY, Stanley Ambrose

Capt Stanley Day MC 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Royal Corps of Signals
Military Cross (MC)
Captain Stanley Day, adjutant of No 2 Commando, was awarded the Military Cross in recognition of gallant and distinguished services during Operation Chariot, the raid on St. Nazaire. Embarked with Lt. Col. Newman's HQ party on MGB 314. Prisoner of war after the raid.

DE NOBRIGA, Derrick John

No 2 Commando
The King's Royal Rifle Corps
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)
Sergeant Derrick John de Nobriga was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service. He was one of the Commando contingent that took part in operations from HMS Triumph against the Palermo and Messina railway on the 29/30 August 1941.

DEAKER, George James

Lance Bombardier
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Bombardier George Deaker, 5 troop,was killed in action during operations at Lake Comacchio, Italy. Son of James and Jessie Francis Deaker; husband of Gladys Vera Deaker, of Kentish Town, London.

DEARY, Patrick Gabriel

No 2 Commando
Royal Irish Fusiliers
Fusilier Patrick Deary, married and from Blackrod, Lancashire, served in 5 Troop 'B' Section, No.3 Sub-Section. He was wounded on 13 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. Post war member of the Commando Association residing Dorset.

DEIGHAN, Bernard John

Bernard 'Paddy' Deighan 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
King's Own Scottish Borderers
1942/43 Private, 5 troop, ‘A’ Section, No.1 Sub Section, No.3 on the Bren gun; billeted 61 Mill Street, Ayr; next of kin brother (Dublin); civil occupation Hotel Porter. 
1945 Sergeant, No.2 Commando.
Post war member of the Commando Association.

DEIGHTON, John Clifford

No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
York and Lancaster Regiment
Enlisted into the Royal Artillery. Transferred to York and Lancaster Regiment 16 September 1944. Served in 3 Troop (Heavy Weapons) of No.2 Commando. Post war member of the Commando Association, Yorkshire Branch. Resided Snaith, Yorkshire.

DENISON, Mallinson Charles

Mallinson Charles Denison 2 Commando
Lieutenant (later Major)
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Mentioned in Despatches
Croix de Guerre (France)
Lieutenant Mallinson Charles Denison, 3 Troop, was one of the Commando contingent for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire. He embarked on HMS Campbeltown in charge of a small protection party to cover the personnel carrying out demolitions on the dry dock.

DENNY, George

No 2 Commando
Essex Regiment
Post war member of the Commando Association.
Handwritten List of No.2 Cdos from Mrs Desiree Roderick MBE 
Commando Benevolent Fund (RY).

DETTMER, Charles Henry

Charles Dettmer 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery

Gunner Charles Dettmer, HQ Troop Intelligence Section, was severely injured losing an arm in the same mortar explosion that killed Lieutenant Arthur Brunswick of No.2 Commando at Dragone Hill, Salerno. Post War Fleet Street journalist.


No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Thomas Diamond, 4 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later confirmed killed in action. 


No 2 Commando
York and Lancaster Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Joe Dickinson, 3 Troop, was one of the commando contingent embarked on Motor Launch ML 156 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St. Nazaire 28 March 1942. He was evacuated back to the UK after the raid [1][1a].

DIXON, Herbert

Herbie Dixon 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment)

Herbert Dixon enlisted with the Buffs on 15 March 1940. He then volunteered for No.5 Independent Company. After joining No.2 Commando he was posted to 6 troop. Late 1943 when the Commando was restructured he was moved to 5 troop. There are group photos of him and others in the 5 troop album.

DIXON, Herbert, Memories of No 2 Commando

Type: Personal Papers
Author: Herbert Dixon No 2 Cdo, Tim Huelin
Year of Publishing: 2015
Keywords: Herbert Dixon, No 2 Commando
Herbert 'Herbie' Dixon wrote this document aged 75.  It includes more than just his military service and is well worth reading. Our thanks to his grandson Tim Huelin for allowing us permission to reproduce on our website.
Names mentioned are as follows:
No. 2 Commando


Lance Corporal John Donaldson 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
London Scottish The Gordon Highlanders
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal John Donaldson, 3 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed died of wounds. He has no known grave. Son of William Donaldson and of Jessie Donaldson (nee Hunter); husband of Anne Donaldson (nee Smith), of Dundee.


Corporal Ted Douglas MM
No 2 Commando
Liverpool Scottish Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
Military Medal (MM)
Corporal Edward Douglas , 5 troop, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the field. He was one of the Commando contingent on board Motor Launch ML 177 for Operation Chariot, and one of only five men from those who landed at St Nazaire, that evade


No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery

Gunner Frank Driver was reported missing 13 September 1943 during operations in Italy (Salerno), later found to be a prisoner of war. Post war member of the Commando Association from Hull.

DRURY, Charles Henry

No 2 Commando
Essex Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Charles Drury, 2 troop, died of wounds during operations at Dragone Hill, Vietri, near Salerno. Husband of Theresa Drury, of Walthamstow, Essex. In 1939 before his military service he was employed as Butcher (Cutter) residing at 140 Hale End Road, Walthamstow.

DUFFY, Anthony Patrick

No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Sergeant Anthony Duffy died during operations at Scaletta, Italy. Husband of Beatrice A. Duffy, of Dingle, Liverpool, 8. We have a document that states "Buried on terrace on Shore side of the road, at the North end of the beach, North of Scaletta."

ECKMAN, William John

William Eckman 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)

Private William Eckman, from Everton Liverpool, served in 4 Troop and was one of the commando contingent who embarked on Motor Launch ML 306 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942. Reported as missing he was later found to be a prisoner of war.

EDGLEY, Robert Ernest

Robert Edgley
Robert Edgley 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Sussex Regiment
Royal Artillery
Captain Robert Edgley volunteered for the Commandos in 1944 whilst serving in the Royal Artillery. After selection and successfully passing the training he was attached to No.2 Commando accepting the temporary reduction in rank to Lieutenant which was required [1].

EDWARDS, Bernard

Bernie Edwards 2 Commando
Lance Bombardier
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Served in 1 Troop. Member of the Commando Association from Nottingham.
Obituaries in Commando Association newsletter 120 (2005).

EKINS, Arthur William

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment

Arthur William Ekins, a Wood Machinist from Stoke Newington, London, joined the Territorial Army in May 1937. Lance Corporal Ekins, No.2 Commando, was reported missing at Brac 6 June 1944, later confirmed a prisoner of war.

ELDRIDGE, Leonard Frederick

Leonard Eldridge 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers (City of London)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Sergeant Leonard Eldridge, 2 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action. He had embarked for the raid on Motor Launch ML 447 and has no known grave.

ELLIOTT, Alfred John

No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
Mentioned in Despatches

Private Alfred Elliott, 3 Troop, received a Mention in Despatches in recognition of gallant and distinguished service during the Commando raid at St Nazaire on 28/29 March 1942.


James Elliott 2 Commando
Bombardier (Acting Lance Sergeant)
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Royal Engineers
Gunner (Acting Lance Bombardier) James Elliott, 2 Troop No.2 Commando, was wounded on 16 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. No.2 Commando were involved in heavy fighting around the village of Piegolelle (aka Piegolette).
Post war member of the Commando Association. 

ELLWOOD, William Cyril

Company Sergeant Major
No 2 Commando
Essex Regiment
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)
Lance Sergeant William Ellwood, 3 Troop, was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for gallant and distinguished service in Italy" [1][4].
Gulf of Salerno 13 Sept. 1943

EMMERSON, John Kenneth

Ken Emmerson 2 Commando and 1 Brigade HQ
John Kenneth Emmerson
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
No 12 Commando
1 Special Service (Commando) Brigade
No.2 Commando, No.12 Commando and 1 Commando Brigade HQ.
Post war member of the Commando Association from Wakefield, Yorkshire.
Obituaries in Commando Association newletter 88 (1989).

EVANS, Charles Benjamin

No 2 Commando
The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment)
Private Charles Benjamin Evans died in Italy as a result of an accident. Son of William Henry and Elizabeth Rose Evans, of Bexleyheath, Kent.
[1] CWGC Grave Concentration Report.

EVANS, Frank

No 2 Commando
Devonshire Regiment
Frank Evans from Exeter enlisted on 7 April 1933. Completed a course on military musical instruction in London becoming a military bandsman. He volunteered for the Commandos during the war. Private Evans, No.2 Commando, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St.

EVANS, Ralph

No 2 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
Died on war service
Died in the UK
Driver Ralph Evans died as a result of an accident during a parachute training exercise at Ringway whilst serving with the original No 2 (Para) Commando. 

EVERETT, Thomas, H.

Tommy Everett 2 Commando
Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Royal Army Medical Corps
Private Thomas Everett, R.A.M.C. attached to No.2 Commando HQ, took part in Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942. He was evacuated back to the UK and remained with No.2 Commando [1]

EWENS, George

George Ewens 2 commando
Lance Corporal (later Sergeant)
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers
Lance Corporal George Ewens, 3 Troop, took part in Operation Chariot, the raid at St. Nazaire on 28 March 1942. Embarked on Motor Launch ML 156, he was evacuated back to the UK after the raid [1]
  • Emigrated to Tasmania [2][3].

FAHY, James

No 2 Commando
King's Regiment (Liverpool)
James Fahy, a Van Driver from Limerick, Eire, enlisted into the Armed Forces in August 1938, later volunteering for the Commandos. Private Fahy, No.2 Commando 4 troop, embarked on Motor Launch ML 177 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942.


John Fairclough MM
Fairclough 2 Commando
Guardsman (later Sergeant)
No 2 Commando
Grenadier Guards
Military Medal (MM)
Guardsman John Fairclough was one of the ten Commandos and 2 Norwegians who took part in Operation Musketoon. Seven were taken prison

FARRER, George Hugh

Private Farrer 2 Commando
Also seen as: 
FARRER, Patrick George Michael Hugh
No 2 Commando
Essex Regiment 1/4th Bn.
George Hugh Farrer was born on 1 March 1922 in the London Borough of Wandsworth to parents Charles and Beatrice [1][1a].

FERGUSON, John Ronald Alexander

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
London Scottish
Military Medal (MM)
Lance Corporal John Ferguson was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service. He was one of the Commando contingent that took part in operations from HMS Triumph against the Palermo and Messina railway on the 29/30 August 1941.

FIELD, William Frederick

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
William Frederick Field, a Lithographic Printer from Homerton, London, enlisted 17 April 1939. Lance Corporal Field, No.2 Commando 1 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later confirmed a prisoner of war [1][2][3][3a].

FISHER, Norman Lucas

No 2 Commando
King's Royal Rifle Corps (11th Bn)
(1st Bn. Queen's Westminsters)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Corporal Norman Fisher, 6 troop, died on 25 April 1942 of wounds received on 28 March 1942 during Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire. He was one of the commando contingent on motor launch ML 192 and had initially been reported as missing in action until his death was confirmed.


John Fitchett 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Kings Regiment (Liverpool)
Private John 'Jack' Fitchett, 4 Troop, was one of the Commando contingent for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire 28 March 1942. He embarked on board Motor Launch ML 443 and was one of those to be evacuated back to the UK. 

FITTON, Douglas

Douglas Fitton 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Kings Own Scottish Borderers

In 1939 Douglas Fitton, a Labourer from Leeds, resided with his wife in Keighley. He enlisted into the K.O.S.B.'s. later volunteering for the Commandos. Private Fitton served in 'A' Section, No.1 Sub-Section of 5 Troop No.2 Commando.


Gerald Fitzgerald No.2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Gerald Fitzgerald enlisted into the Royal Berkshire Regiment on 30 March 1939. Trade on enlistment -Tailor. He volunteered for the Commandos and served with No.2 Commando 2 Troop from January 1941 to May 1944 when medically downgraded. Released from service May 1946, conduct exemplary.

FORMOY, Donald Neville

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers (City of London)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal Donald Formoy, 6 troop, died during operations at Dragone Hill, Salerno, and was originally buried by house at the top of the steps on the West side of Hill.  He was buried with a religious ceremony in a communal grave with Capt. Mason and Pte Bennett, D.

FOWLER, Henry Francis

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Essex Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal Henry Fowler, 2 Troop, died on 24 January 1943 of wounds received during Operation Chariot in March 1942. Son of Thomas Francis and Elizabeth Fowler, of Canning Town; husband of Alice Ada Fowler, of Canning Town [1][2][3][4].

FOYSTER, Denis Stephen

No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Denis Stephen Foyster from Beccles, Suffolk, enlisted in to the Royal Artillery in 1936. After volunteering for the Commandos during the war he joined No.2 Commando. Gunner Foyster was wounded 9 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy.

FRANKS, Godfrey Reginald

Godfrey Franks 2 Commando
Major Godfrey Franks
No 2 Commando
No 10 Commando
Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own)
Croix de Guerre 1940 with palm (Belgium)
1941 Captain No.2 Commando.
January 1943 Major and second in command of No.2 Commando.
1944 Major No.10 (Inter Allied) Commando.
1 July 1944 France, Liaison Officer, 1st Special Service Brigade Headquarters.


Freeman 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Lance Corporal Freeman, 1 Troop, embarked on ML 446 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St. Nazaire on 28 March 1942. Wounded and evacuated back to the UK. Post war married and from The Warren, Royston, Hertfordshire.

FROUD, George

George Froud 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment

Private George Froud was serving in 2 Troop in December 1942. Post war member of the Commando Association from Abingdon.

FRYER, Bennett William

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, Liverpool Scottish
Ben Fryer was a Clerk from Garston, Liverpool, prior to enlisting and joining 'B' Company of the 2nd Battalion Liverpool Scottish T.A. In July 1940 he volunteered for Special Service and was attached to No.4 Independent Company.

FURSSE, Reginald Henry

Reg Fursse 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
King's Royal Rifle Corps
Corporal Reginald Fursse, 6 Troop, was one of the Commando contingent on motor launch ML 156 during Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942 [1].
  • Evacuated back to the UK, he remained with No. 2 Commando [2][3]

FYFE, Charles Alexander

Charles Alexander Fyfe
Charles Fyfe 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Corps of Signals
Lance Corporal Charles Fyfe, a Signaller in No.2 Commando HQ, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. He had embarked on HMS Campbeltown. Charles, married and from Glasgow, was an electrical engineer in civil life.


Acting Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
King's Regiment (Liverpool)
Acting Lance Sergeant John Gallagher, 4 Troop, was one of the commando contingent embarked on motor launch ML 306 for the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942. Wounded and taken prisoner of war.


No 2 Commando
Border Regiment
Private John Gardner, 3 Troop, embarked on HMS Campbeltown for the raid at St. Nazaire on 28 March 1942. Reported as missing after the raid he was later found to have been taken prisoner and transported to Stalag 344 at Lamsdorf, Poland.

GARRATT, Arthur Ernest

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal Arthur Garratt, 2 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later confirmed killed in action. Embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 447. Son of Matilda Garratt, of Islington, London.

GEE, Harold

Corporal Harold Gee No.2 Commando
Harold Gee 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
The Loyal Regt. (North Lancashire)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Corporal Harold Gee from Billinge near Wigan died of wounds during operations at Sarande, Albania.
Extract from the No 2 Cdo War Diary
11th October 1944

GELDER, John Willie

Lance Bombardier
No 2 Commando
Royal Artillery
Military Medal (MM)
Lance Bombardier John Gelder, 2 troop, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service on 28/29 July 1944 during Operation Healing 2 at Spilje Albania. He had previously taken part in operations at Scaletta, Salerno, and Hvar [1][2][3].

GIBSON, William

Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Gordon Highlanders
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Sergeant William Gibson, 6 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action. He had embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 268 and has no known grave. 

GILL, Richard

No 2 Commando
The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Military Medal (MM)
Rifleman Richard Gill was awarded the MM in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the field. 
The death of Rfn. R. Gill. MM. (2 Cdo) of Salisbury, Wilts. was announced in Commando Association newsletter 62 issued March 1976.

GOLDIE, Thomas

Thomas Goldie 2 Commando
Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Reconnaissance Corps
Lance Corporal Thomas Goldie was wounded during operations at Spilje, Albania on 29 July 1944. Post war member of the Commando Association from Kilwinning, Ayrshire.

Final rank attained Lance Sergeant.

GOODE, Frank Cecil

Frank Goode 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles
Frank Cecil Goode from Old Coulsdon, Surrey, enlisted 17 January 1940, formerly employed as a Circulation Represntative (Newspapers). Rifleman Goode, 3 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 during Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war.

GOSS, Leonard George William

No 2 Commando
Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Fusilier Leonard Goss, 6 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action. He had embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 192 and has no known grave. Son of Leonard Butcher Goss and L. Goss, of Brixton, London.

GOULD, Norman Patrick

No 2 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles, The London Irish Rifles
Killed in action or died of wounds
Rifleman Norman Gould was killed in action during operations at Dragone Hill, Salerno, and was initially buried there (Map ref. 612409). Son of Percy Harrington Gould and Bertha Gould, of Kensington, London. Former civil occupation: Draughtsman.

GRAY, Andrew

Andrew Gray MM 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Scots Fusiliers
Military Medal (MM)
Fusilier Andrew Gray, 5 troop, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in Italy [1].
Gulf of Salerno 13 Sep 43.

GRAY, Frank Herbert

No 2 Commando
Hampshire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private Frank Gray was reported missing presumed died on 11 March 1945 during operations in Italy. He has no known grave. Son of Thomas Gray; husband of Marjorie Jessie Lillian Gray.

GREER, Samuel

No 2 Commando
Royal Ulster Rifles

Rifleman Samuel Greer was wounded on 17 April 1945 during operations in Italy (Lake Comacchio). Post war member of the Commando Association from Belfast.

GRIEF, George Valentine

George Grief 2 Commando
George Grief April 1982
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Lance Corporal George Grief, 1 Troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire, later found to be a prisoner of war. He had embarked on ML177 for the raid. Post war member of the Commando Association from Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire.

GROSE, William Ernest

No 2 Commando
Grenadier Guards
Killed in action or died of wounds
Guardsman William Grose, 2 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action. He had embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 447 and has no known grave. Son of Ernest Albert Grose, and of Agnes Grose, of Welling, Kent.

GWYNNE, John Edward Herbert

No 2 Commando
No 4 Independent Company
Liverpool Scottish, Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
Mentioned in Despatches
Killed in action or died of wounds
Private John Gwynne, 5 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later confirmed killed in action [1][1a]. Embarked for the raid on HMS Campbeltown and received a posthumous Mention in Despatches [2][3].


John Hackett 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
King's Regiment (Liverpool)
Lance Corporal John Hackett, 1 Troop, was wounded 17 April 1945 during operations at Lake Comacchio and Argenta, Italy.
Casualty lists / National Archives file WO417/91.
[Image] Di Edwards.

HAINES, George Ernest

George Haines DCM 2 Commando
Troop Sergeant Major
6141513 & 365081
No 2 Commando
East Surrey Regiment
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)
Troop Sergeant Major George Haines, 5 troop, was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for his gallantry during the raid at St Nazaire [1].

HANNAN, Thomas Gerard

Thomas Hannon 2 Cdo
Thomas Hannon 2 Commando
Also seen as: 
No 2 Commando
South Lancashire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's Volunteers)
Thomas Gerard Hannan, known as 'Gerry', was a Labourer from Warrington who enlisted into the South Lancashire Regiment on 1 December 1939 later volunteering for the Commandos. Private Hannan, No.2 Commando HQ Troop, was reported missing on the 28th March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St.

HANSTOCK, George Alfred

George Hanstock 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Norfolk Regiment
Private George Hanstock was wounded 16 September 1943 at Salerno, Italy. Post war member of the Commando Association residing Mexborough, Yorkshire, until emigrating to Australia in 1970.


Harold Harbert 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Served in No.2 Commando 5 Troop, 'A' Section, No.1 Sub-Section.
Civil Occupation: Haulage Contractor.
Notebook of Lance Sergeant Joe Rogers MM, 5 troop.

HARDING, Victor Philip

Private Victor Harding MM 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Gloucestershire Regiment
Military Medal (MM)
Private Victor Harding, 1 troop, was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of gallant and distinguished service for his successful evasion from capture after Operation Chariot at St. Nazaire on 28 March 1942.

HARE, Owen Stewart

Second Lieutenant
Independent Companies and Special Service Battalions
Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Regiment
Died on war service
Died in the UK
Second Lieutenant Owen Hare, 1st Special Service Bn., died result of a mountaineering accident on Ben Nevis during training at STC Lochailort.
Register of deaths records the Informant as Padre Basil Pitt, Army Chaplain. 


Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Gordon Highlanders
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Sergeant Peter Harkness was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action. Son of Peter and Catherine Ann Harkness.


Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
King's Royal Rifle Corps (11th Bn)
(1st Bn. Queen's Westminsters)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Sergeant Maurice Harrison, 6 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later confirmed killed in action. He had embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 192.
Son of Samuel G. and Maud A. Harrison, of Streatham, London.

HARRONS, Charles Edward

No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds

Corporal Charles Harrons, 1 troop, died after No 2 Commando had just taken part in the raid on Spilje, Albania.

An entry in the No 2 Cdo War Diary dated 24th August 1944 states " Burial Service for Cpl Harrons (1 Tp) who died in hospital at Bari was held in the afternoon."

HAUSMANN, Fritz Sigmund

Fritz Hausmann alias Fred Houseman 2 Commando
Lance Corporal
PAL/ 1344
No 2 Commando
Royal Army Service Corps
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)
Mentioned in Despatches

Fritz Sigmund Hausmann was born in Bingen Am Rhein, April 27th 1921. He was a German Jew who at age 13, fled Germany alone and went to school in Palestine.

HAWKINS, Frederick

No 2 Commando
Northamptonshire Regiment

Frederick Hawkins, a Sprayer from London enlisted on 2 May 1939. He volunteered for the commandos and was attached to No.2 Commando. Reported missing believed killed whilst with 3 Troop at Salerno, Italy, later found to be a prisoner of war.

HAY, William

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Armoured Corps
Lanarkshire Yeomanry
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal William Hay was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later confirmed killed in action. Son of Thomas and Margaret Hay, of Carluke, Lanarkshire.

HAYES, Frank

Frank Hayes 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Grenadier Guards
Killed in action or died of wounds

Guardsman Frank Hayes, 4 troop, was killed in action during operations at Vaagso, Norway. Son of George Richard Hayes, and of Lillian Hayes, of Manchester.

HEALEY, Frank H.

Frank Healey 2 Commando
Fusilier (Acting Lance Corporal)
No 2 Commando
Royal Scots Fusiliers

Frank Healey, 5 Troop, was wounded on 9 March 1945 during operations in Italy. He served in 'A' Section, No.2 Sub Section of the Troop and had been with the Commando since at least 1942. A former labourer he was married and resided near Stockport.

HEATHER, William Bernard

Lance Corporal
No 2 Commando
Royal Sussex Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Lance Corporal William Heather, 2 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later presumed killed in action. He embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 447 and has no known grave. Son of William and Harriette Heather.

HEATON, Harold, L.

No 2 Commando
South Lancashire Regiment

Corporal Harry Heaton was wounded on 9 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy. He had served in 5 Troop since 1941 and was in 'A' Section, No.2 Sub-Section when wounded. Final rank attained Sergeant. He was married and a former manager for a Timber importer in Wallasey.


John Heery 2 Commando
Lance Sergeant
No 2 Commando
Royal Engineers
Lance Corporal John 'Jack' Heery, 6 Troop, was one of the commando contingent who embarked on motor launch ML443 for Operation Chariot, the raid at St Nazaire on 28 March 1942 [1][1a]. He was evacuated back to the UK after the raid.


No 2 Commando
Essex Regiment
Killed in action or died of wounds
Sergeant Stanley Hempstead, 2 troop, was reported missing 28 March 1942 after Operation Chariot at St Nazaire, later confirmed killed in action. He had embarked for the raid on motor launch ML 262. Son of Frank Hempstead and Marion (nee Barnard).

HENDERSON, John Patrick Leo

Lt Henderson 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
2 Special Service (Commando) Brigade
Royal Engineers
Military Cross (MC)
Killed in action or died of wounds
Major John Henderson MC, 2 Special Service Brigade, died during operations in Italy [1].
On the 8th May 1940 he transferred from the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry to the Royal Engineers retaining his seniority as 2/Lieutenant. [2]

HENDRY, Bernard

No 2 Commando
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Military Medal (MM)
Private Bernard Hendry was awarded the Military Medal on 15 March 1945 in recognition of gallant and distinguished service in the Field [1].
  • 9 September 1943 wounded during operations in Italy (Salerno) [2].


W. Hesketh 2 Commando
No 2 Commando
Manchester Regiment
Private Hesketh was wounded 17 September 1943 during operations at Salerno, Italy.
Member of the Commando Association last known residing Glossop, Derbyshire.


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